The Ivy Heritage Foundation of Irmo, Incorporated (IHF), is pleased to announce our participation in Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday encourages individuals to give through monetary donations or community service. IHF is raising funds for the Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (AKA CHIPP™) in partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha Upsilon Omega Omega Chapter.
With your help, we can reach our goal of $5,000! In addition to the Power Packs, we also want to provide holiday meals to the students. Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to IHF on Giving Tuesday. #GivetoIHF
We appreciate your support!
Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (AKA CHIPP™)
AKA CHIPP provides weekend and holiday meals for children within local communities and is targeted to be Alpha Kappa Alpha’s most ambitious childhood hunger program to date. In partnership with the Upsilon Omega Omega Chapter, the Ivy Heritage Foundation seeks to raise funds to provide additional Power Packs and holiday meals.
Distribute Power Packs to Lexington School District Two - Congareee Elementary School
Serve 50 students weekly (during the school year)
Cost is $3.00 per Power Pack
Each Power Pack consists of two breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack items
Power Packs feed children on the weekend (Saturday & Sunday)
Our CHIPP™ Giving Tuesday
Serve 65 students weekly during the school year
Provide Power Packs over the summer
Share holiday meals with students